Wednesday 9 November 2011

Research - Prop List

As our a2 media production music video has to start being filmed soon, we have to consider what we are going to need and what is going to be crucial. 

 What Is Needed For Performance:

- Cameras, we are still not completely sure how many we are going to need, it will either be 2 or 3 as we want to film the perform from different angles and get a range of shots, to then play with when in the editing suite. This will help us as we will have more material and be able to edit parts that are not completely in sync and use different parts of the material to correct it. 

- Sim card, needed to have the music video video and stored. 

- White sheet, the background must be a plan colour, it will either be white, green or black and if it is a green screen we can change the background on the editing?  

- Lighting, simplistic and simple to emphasis the performance and not take focus away through different coloured lighting. 

- Mic and Stand, needed for performance; which will hopefully be in the pit, with the black curtains as a background?

- Costume, we have decided that we want our 'Michael Buble' to be in a suit, as it would then conform with all of his other videos, which will then show a contrast when we use material of the couple who will be in jeans and casual clothing.

- Blocks, to make a stage for the actor to stand on in the pit, otherwise it wont look right when we use high angle shots.

- Storyboard, what sequences we are going to use.

What Is Needed For Narrative:

- Actors, one boy and one girl (couple)

- Casual clothing, Jeans and a top with scarf for the girl, boy wearing jeans and a top with a jacket (with zip) that can be taken off and put on the girl.

- Autumn leaves, couple playing in the leaves throwing them in the air.

- Necklace, boy gives to the girl - symbolizing his love

- Umbrella, incase it rains

- Phones, girl receives text boy reads it and gets angry

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