2.) Point of view shot from the girl walking to pick up the letter 8 seconds (0.19)
3.) Back to performance using a panning shot with vocalist looking into the camera at all times 6 seconds (0.25)
4.) POV of her picking up the letter 2 seconds (0.27) close up reaction shot - front on - 3 seconds (0.30) zoomed in over the shoulder shot of the letter 3 seconds (0.33)
5.) Mid shot - seeing the door at the side knowing someone is going to enter - girl enters holding letter he gets up and picks her up 7 seconds (0.40) over shoulder shot of her handing over the letter 6 seconds (0.46)

7.) Low angle shot of performer, maybe zooming in? 8 seconds (1.07)
8.) High angle shot of girl packing her belongings away for university, with a drawer open - shuts the drawer and looks at a photo frame - camera looking in on her 12 seconds (1.19)
9.) Back to performance close up shot of his shoulders and face - maybe zoom out - 5 seconds (1.24)

11.) Cut to performance, panning shot, suiting the mood 4 seconds (1.38)

13.) Back to performance, sitting on the stool facing front but looking to the side at the camera, mid shot 6 seconds (1.56)
14.) Mid shot of him sitting on his bed looking down at the floor head in hands 2 seconds (1.58) over shoulder shot, 'I Miss You' text...sending...3 seconds (2.01) high angle mid shot of phone lighting up 2 seconds (2.03)
15.) Close up shot of performer sitting on stool 'Yes, I want to throw my arms around her
And kiss and hug' 10 seconds (2.13)
16.) During editing add a caption of how much time has past. 2 seconds (2.15)
17.) Back to back shot of boy and girl at their homes, boy playing guitar and girl reading his text, 4 seconds (2.19) then sending a text back and boy receiving it. 4 seconds (2.23)
18.) High angle shot of her coming down the stairs - only showing her legs 4 seconds (2.27) . Match on action shot of her opening the door 2 seconds (2.29), stepping out 3 seconds (2.32) and closing it behind her. 2 seconds (2.34)
19.) High angle shot from balcony, vocalist standing! 7 seconds (2.41)
21.) Close up shot of performer 6 seconds (2.53)

23.) Mid shot from the side, as he walks towards her 5 seconds (3.02)
24.) Performance, turning to face the camera - which is at his right side - looking into the camera; mid shot. 4 seconds (3.06)

26.) Mid shot as he moves in to kiss her 3 seconds (3.15)
27.) close up as he kiss her 6 seconds (3.21)
28.) Back to performer in 'The Pit' for last line of the lyrics starts as a close up and starts to zoom out as song ends, Fade out to blackout! 5 seconds (3.26)
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