Friday 28 October 2011

Research - Lady is a Tramp by Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga

From this video we see that it is all performance, there is not a narrative going through the video itself, but they do refer to cultural codes; shown in the way that Lady Gaga is dressed, elegent gown and in my opinion she reminds me of old jazz singers. This is also connoted in the type of mics that they are using, as the older jazz singers used to use them in their bigger more grand performance, as well as people such as Dianna Ross, when she was filming her videos, she would also use those mics - especially in her live performances. 

The reason i was looking at this video was to see what type of genre it was, and whether there were any similarities with the Michael Buble video that i was planning to create for my A2 music video. The genre of this music was very similar, as they are both jazz singers and Michael Buble has performed alot of jazz styled songs on his albums, such as 'Come Fly With Me' which helped for me to see what different music videos for jazz styled songs were like; also allowing me to find ideas of what type of set and lotcation i should or could be using. 

If i compare this music video with 'Crazy Love' by Michael Buble, we see how it is very similar in the way that the camera angles only focus on the artists, as there is not a narrative to be connoted, so the audience will find it a simply video to follow, whereas if they were to add a narrative, would it take away the affect that the song has on the audience and the meaning? By using a all performance video i am able to create a narrative of my own, which gives me the freedom of using the lyrics to create a narrative that would fit with the music. As i would not be doing an experimental video to this song, because there is not need when there is a narrative in the lyrics. The difference between the two videos is that 'Lady is a Tramp' is more of a professional styles video with the costume arrangement being smart and glamorous, compared to 'Crazy Love' where Michael Buble is alone in the studio, wearing casual clothing and all of the equipment needed to create the piece around him.

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