Friday 7 October 2011

The Vixens - Voodoo Child video analysis

During class we looked at the Vixen's media video, and analysed the good and bad points of the video as well as the research. From their research i found that they put a great deal of time and effort into what their ideas where and how they were planning to achieve it. The researched into the location, costume, make up, timetables, hair etc was in a great amount of detailed - which really showed that they had their heads around what their plans where and when they were going to do it.


- The lip syncing was in time with the lyrics, only minor details were out of sync
- The music matched the shot changes
- They haven't gone over board with the effects
- The use of letter boxing
- Match on action (locket)

Mise En Scene

- Props such as the mannequin and feather bower
- The bright clothing
- No stage or set
- Lighting, using the shadow by having two spotlights

Camera Shots

- Steady shots
- A range of shots and angles used
- Symmetrical
- Not alot of repetition


- The music track itself
- Each person dancing and singing in time (good synchronisation)

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