Monday 9 January 2012

Filming - Performance

Finally we have finished filming our music video, all of the footage that we have is being uploaded to our editing suite, and after all of the problems that we have encountered we have officially filmed all footage that is needed.  After having problems with contacting our actor for the performance we found a replacement within the first day back from the holidays, our main problem with our original actor was that they were not able to get to the venue and also that he was not available at the times that we needed him. Due to this we found a friend of ours, Tom who was interested in helping with the footage that was needed, and it worked well with the genre of music that we are doing. The original venue that we were using for the filming, 'The Pit' worked well with the atmosphere that we wanted to create, the effects that we were able to create with the lighting deck - soft lighting and fade up/down to give the desired effect of passionate but light hearted. From using the tripod on the top of the balcony near to lighting board I was able to change the lights while recording the performance from a high angle shot which was mainly focusing on his face and body movement. Once the performance has finished uploading the footage that was shot on both of the cameras we will begin placing it in place with the narrative, and upload screenshots of the range of different ways that we were able to film the piece. Overall all we filmed the whole song 6 times.

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