Monday 9 January 2012

Research - Different Audiences

Other than Michael buble i have decided to look at a range of different bands/artists to see how they contact their fans and keep them interested, whether there is any pattern occurring in a different genre such as rock/metal. 

Metal music can be seen in a range of different ways and described differently depending on what band they are researching, to look into this genre i have picked a band that i feel has a large following, especially an audience who enjoy festival atmosphere, after seeing 'System of a Down' at Download festival i was able to see that they reach out to a wider audience other than just metal fans. To reach out to different audiences they use sites such as:
All of these sites have a huge range of different audiences, and people using them for specific reasons - due to the sites being a social networking sites people can recommend pages to friends and talk about different topics; this is how verbal advertising of the band can begin between the audiences.

Classical music has been around for centuries, but the range of audiences' that it reaches out to are limited, a large classical music composer would be 'Johann Sebastian Bach' who is one of the most famous of the classical music period. One song that I looked into not only of Bach but of classical composers as a whole is 'In D Minor' From looking at the statistics shown on Youtube, It is shown that the profiles that view this piece of music are mainly males aged 35-64, but the most popular age range was 45-54 mainly within the UK and USA. Unfortunately Youtube is not a majorly good quality of information of what age range what this type of music as the profiles can have different ages set on them, to show better quality research I have asked 40 people of all different ages what their favour type of music is to find out what type of music is most popular within the group of people that I asked. 

Another interesting set of figures that i found was how the people are viewing this specific piece of music. It has been seen that the results date from 30th of november 2007 onwards of how many views of this video are being processed. Below is a the figure that I found for this piece of music. 

When asking my audience what their favourite type of music would be I chose the different genres of music that they could choose from, the types that I chose to ask were;

From my results there was a clear state that there is a range of different audiences out there and not just one target audience, all music genres have a target audience but a lot of them do overlap! Below is the information that i gained from my survey.

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