Wednesday 28 December 2011

Research - Representation of gender in Michael Buble videos

From looking at a range of different Michael Buble videos, I have come to the conclusion that he does not use a range of different narratives in his videos - if he uses any that is! Most of his videos do not have much of a narrative, and he tries to connote a narrative of itself through performance, representing him as being powerful and masculine through the art of solely performance. Most of the videos that i have chosen to research are upbeat and are mainly performance based, but when looking through my selection I have decided to look at one of his most recent videos 'Hollywood' which has a wide range of different characters being played, so this will juxtapose the other videos that i am researching.

During this video, Buble uses both male and female actors; using a specific talent show styled video, which portrays each actor as equal from first view. The females that are used during this video connote to the audience the message that everybody is different, but that is not a bad thing - if anything its a compliment. This was represented through the women that was shown with a range of piecing on her face, using a mid shot of her singing into the microphone, showing her as equal, as though being seen from Buble's point of view - as in pervious shots we have seen him sitting down facing the acts, this could therefore make him of a lower status than the contestents through camera shots. Another representation that is seen during this video is an intertextual reference by one women, who is meant to be seen as a Marline Monroe type figure - this homage was connoted through costume, this being a signifier to the audience, making them recognise the reference to the female icon. I feel that this was done to show female asperation to idolise strong women such as Marline Monroe.

From this video the range of shots that are used it seems that all of the actors are as equal to Michael Buble, this is also shown when we see the shot of Buble taking photos of the actors – making the audience feel that he is wanting to remember this memory. There is one shot of a group of male actors which connotes trust and faith in each other as they are singing together as one group, but also because they are all looking at Michael Buble who is sitting in the chair facing them; giving him power and authority.

Compared to Hollywood:
This video is mainly narrative based, but it tells the story following the lyrics of the song. The first main shot of a difference in the male gender would be the young teenage boy, on stage getting interviewed, the low angle shot of him makes it seem as though he has a high status because of the 'Screaming fans'. This is a specific Parody of the singer Justin Bieber, he is trying to represent the teenagers of music and how they become a different person on stage - thinking they are a bigger star than they are, shown through the relaxed posture and  having his hood up. Michael Buble is seen as a fan during this shot as it has something blocking his view on the left of the shot, this makes it seem as though he is in the crowd. The stereotypical female gender of being on a movie set with famous actors is shown during the next few shots, using a long shot of a man with two female 'clinging' on to him, proving who has the higher status, then an over the shoulder shot appears as he stumbles past Michael Buble, where he is looking down on him - this connotes that the male is conforming to the stereotypical drunk rocker connoting him as lower class to Buble. The dress of the females in this shot, are provocative and revealing - this can represent the stereotypical view of females in the company of a famous public, especially as they have matched their clothing to his - hippy styled clothing choices, connoting a care free attitude explaining the way that they are acting towards him. 

Planning - Photograph

We have taken photos of our actor that we feel that we could use for our CD cover and poster, we are planning to look at different styles of art work that we could use on our photos to create a homage of Michael Buble album covers. This will be achieved through the use of colours, and type of photo that we chose to use, for example; the typical stance that Buble uses, we would copy that into our own photos including the way that he is dressed - a suit.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Editing - Clips of Narrative

Seeing as we are having difficulty STILL filming out performance shots, I have started to edit the shots of the narrative - cutting them down and making sure that they are in the correct order to then add the performance once it has been filmed and cut. From having trouble shooting the performance we have decided to use our timings on the script to place the narrative in the correct places with the music, this way we can see whether or not it fits to the music, or if it cuts the lyrics in half on crucial moments. I have been trying to connote to the audience that the music itself might be happy, but the narrative is not all what is expected from a stereotypical narrative of this style of music, compared to his other tracks we always seen Michael Buble sitting alone or looking down whilst performing his track - this is therefore showing the narrative of his video itself. To stop our video conforming with his other types of videos, we are having our performance piece to be quite happy and light hearted, but to then turn the narrative from being happy to sad and then back to happy - this will represent a range of emotions which is what I want to show with my video; the range of difficulties and moments that a couple have to experience together.  

An example of the editing that has been completed so far would be when the couple are on during the flash back, on the green, with the necklace being put on the girl. Where we can see the grey section with the incomplete narrative is where the performance is going to be, all of the narrative is perfectly in place and in sync with the lyrics. After the performance shots have been analysed, cut and put in place with the lyrics i will re upload the same time line to show the differences that have been made and the changes that i found that i had to make for the performance to fit. 

Monday 5 December 2011

Filming - Narrative

Yesterday, 4th December, we were able to film our narrative clips, the actors that we had originally decided to use in our narrative could not make it on that day as it was at such short notice. Although this was an issue we found that we had planned that Tom and I would be the back up actors incase our original actors were unable to make it. I felt that we were focused and committed to the tasks that were given and because of this we feel that our footage will have come up well. 

Our locations stayed the same using the photos that were taken, found in my planning. the field that we were using was perfect as the weather held off for us and it was not neither sunny nor dull, which worked with that specific shots that we were taking. 

The contrast between the two different types of bedrooms that we were using connoted a range of feelings for example; the red and white walls showed passion but also loneliness compared to the light that was found in the other bedroom as it is dark, using colours such as blue and black which again shows loneliness but the blue connotes sadness and lack of emotion. 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Planning - Problem!!

We have had a few problems with our actors, we were planning to film our Performance part of our music video today and everything was fine, until the bus which our actor had to take to arrive at the school was cancelled and had been taken in for service. From this we have decided to change the date of filming to tomorrow (friday 2nd december) but this will be a problem as we will have limited time to film, we feel that we will be able to get most of it done and if anything has not been filmed by this time we will have to arrange another date to film the parts that we feel that we need.